Giving you peace of mind on and off site.
Fireshield offers fire protection that you can trust, the look you want and the compliance you need, we offer simple to use coating systems for timber and steel substrates installed by Registered Applicators that come with the warranties and technical backup required from the design phase to completion on site.
What sets us apart from the rest is we develop, manufacture, and test our own range of intumescent coatings. We have a leading Fire Engineer, Specifiers, and an Architectural Designer on staff and available to provide advice and documentation for all projects. Email
Fireshield Consultancy + Specification Support Program.
Not every project involving fire protection of steel or timber is a simple design for building code compliance, often there are design constraints that require specialist design and input. At Fireshield we are able to offer a specific design service for the installation of intumescent coatings for timber and steel.
A consultancy service with a suite of support tools available to Specifiers of intumescent coating systems providing independent Fire Engineering support during the specification process, on and off site during application, and after application.
Designed to simplify the specification process and coordinate between:
Fire Engineering
Structural Engineering.
Click here to learn more or contact or Technical Team direct on p+64 03 9258565 or email
New Zealand:
Fireshield specifications are available on Masterspec:
6734FS for Timber Coatings
6742FS for Steel Coatings
4221FW for Exterior WOODSAFE Systems
5124FW for Interior WOODSAFE Systems.
Click the Masterpec logo to learn more.
For technical or specification assistance contact our Technical Team on ph: (03) 925 8565 (NZ) or ph:1800 092 097 (AUS) or email
Timber Substrates:
The Fireshield range of timber intumescent coating systems and WoodSafe impregnated timbers are specifically designed to provide a Group Surface Rating for Building Code compliance in commercial, multi-use, civic projects and many more depending on the Building Code classification.
Group surface ratings differ from the requirements for fire resistance (based on charring rates) which are needed for containment and prevention of structural collapse in a fully developed fire. If you have a project that requires a structural fire rating for timber members, contact Fireshield as these require specific design.
Timber Intumescent Coating Systems
Fireshield has three coatings available for internal timber substrates, all three provide a group surface rating up to the maximum required in New Zealand and Australia:
Group 1-S in New Zealand, tested to EN13501-1:2010 and achieves Fire Class B-s1-d0. This is recognised as equivalent to Group 1-S under the NZBC Clause 3.4(a) providing compliance with NZBC C/AS1-C/AS7.
Group 1 in Australia, Codemark Certificate of Conformity CM-30071 providing Group 1 surface rating and compliance with the NCC 2022, C1P4 for Class 2-9 Buildings.
The three coating products available are TimberClear, TimberWhite and Timber Whitewash, see the Products Page for a description of each.
Before specifying a Fireshield timber intumescent system there are three prerequisites that must be met in order to be able to achieve a Group 1-S/Group 1 surface rating and all relate to the substrate itself:
It must be a timber-based substrate: it can be solid or made up of lamellas like plywood or made from wood products like strand board or MDF board. It cannot be a fake timber substrate or plastic laminate.
The timber-based substrate must be >8mm thick: for example, tongue and groove boards and panels need to be checked to ensure the groove is greater than 8mm.
The timber-based substrate must have a density > 338 kg/m³ : This density measurement is available on most timber TDS’, call if you are unsure and we will be able to help. As an example pine has a density 400 to 450 kg/m³ and hardwoods start at around 600 kg/m³ through to 1100kg/m³.
The Fireshield range of timber intumescent systems are for interior use only, they cannot be used on the exterior of the building envelope, this includes timber soffits.
There are design considerations to bear in mind when specifying internal timber linings, this applies to all coatings not only intumescents:
Have you specified the coating in the correct interior environment, see the product TDS for details.
The timber substrate is detailed to prevent any possible future damage to the timber and the coating, for example finishing the timber short of an adjoining hard floor with the use of negative skirtings.
Check the building Code for exemptions, items that do not need to be coated such as window jambs and door frames.
What finish you would like, clear natural finish in a matt or semi-gloss, a pigmented finish using any colour you want or a whitewash finish perfect for light timbers such as pine.
Australia only:
Using a CodeMark COC simplifies the documentation now required as part of the Performance Solution pathway, when relying on a CodeMark Certificate to demonstrate that a Performance Solution complies with relevant Performance Requirements, a construction practitioner need NOT undertake the process in A2.2(4) again.
If for any relevant Performance Requirements proposed to be met by a Performance Solution that are NOT covered by the CodeMark Certificate, undertake the process in A2.2(4) referencing the CodeMark Certificate and considering the proposed use of the product or system holistically.
Fireshield has a preformatted PBDB report available, email for a copy.

Photo courtesy WoodSafe AB Sweden
WOODSAFE® timbers, are a unique new range of fire rated timber products available to the New Zealand and Australian market. Our WOODSAFE® range uses the latest timber treatment technology not currently available in NZ/Aus with a complex industrial process to ensure that the fire properties are sustained for the lifetime of the timber. All products are certified and compliant in New Zealand to a Type A and Group 1-S rating, the highest fire rating available for surface linings.
WOODSAFE® - Interior is a Group 1-S rated range of interior timbers for use in dry areas.
WOODSAFE® - Exterior is a Type A and Group 1-S (NZ) and BAL29 and Group 1 (AUS) rated range of timbers for use in exterior and wet interior areas.

Photo courtesy WoodSafe AB Sweden
The advantages of WoodSafe® impregnated timbers.
Timber species and profiles available from major timber suppliers in New Zealand such as Hermpac.
Looks no different from untreated timber.
Wet areas, outdoors and interiors.
Lasts the life time of the timber.
100% off site treatment.
Does not leach.
Can be coated with oils and stains from NZ's leading paint manufacturers.
Environmentally sustainable products and processes.
Steel Substrates:
Fireshield has water-based and solvent-based intumescent steel products for 30, 60, 90- and 120-minutes protection. Steel coatings are firstly divided into:
Interior use
Exterior use
The three products available are Steel 1001, Steel 1002 and SQ476, see the Products Page for a description of each and the Technical Documentation.
Consult the product TDS for the correct product for your corrosion zone, we have a system available from C1 right through to C5 exterior.
Fireshield steel intumescents can be used over a variety of approved primers from different manufacturers, click here for a full list. We also have full Fireshield systems available with primers and topcoats specified, contact Fireshield for more detail.
We have recently completed testing which allows Steel 1001 and Steel 1002 to have timber, Korok walls and plasterboard attached directly to the coated surface, for a copy of the cladding study simply contact us.
Fireshield Attachment Guide: Fireshield® is frequently asked by Architects and Contractors alike if they can attach timber, steel framing, Korok wall panels and plasterboard linings to Fireshield® intumescent coated structural steel members.
Now you can, when using Fireshield intumescent coatings with our fire test evidence. Fireshield® has conducted fire test programmes with various systems to provide technical justification for reducing the expansion zone when using Fireshield® intumescent coatings.
You can find a copy here Fireshield Steel Attachment Guide
Australia only: see the Codemark Certificate in the documents section, NCC 2019 A2.2(4) came into effect on 1st July 2021. It sets a formal process and documentation requirement for the development of performance solutions. Using the Fireshield CodeMark simplifies the documentation now required as part of the Performance Solution pathway, Fireshield has a preformatted report available email for a copy.

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Timber Surface Coatings
Click here to see the Fireshield range of Timber Surface Coatings
Firehield® Woodsafe Timber
Click here to see the Fireshield range of Woodsafe Timber Solutions
Structural Steel Solutions
Click here to see the Fireshield range of Structural Steel Fire Rating Solutions